Ending Gun Violence

Vote on PA Ghost Gun Bill Tomorrow – Call Your PA State Rep!

Yes, Democratic leadership is moving HB 777 (Cephas – Philadelphia) to the PA House floor tomorrow for a vote.  If enacted, this bill would 

make ghost guns far less likely to be available on streets and in neighborhoods.  Please call your state representative today, tonight or tomorrow morning and ask them to vote for this bill.  Very important.  You can find your state rep’s contact information easily at 

Find Your Legislator – PA General Assembly (state.pa.us)
FYI:  Ghost guns are made of unregulated parts and assembled easily and cheaply at home.  The parts can be purchased online in kits.  Ghost guns have no identifying information (model and serial numbers), so are untraceable, making arrest and conviction for gun crimes much more difficult, which is why they are the choice for those intent on mayhem and violence.  HB 777 would treat the parts of ghost guns the same as fully manufactured guns, making them traceable and less appealing.  Call your state rep now!

Gov. Shapiro's Energy Plan - Webinar - Tue 3/26 @ 7PM!